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[풀스택] 우버 클론코딩
우버 백엔드 + 프런트엔드 + 배포
#0 [2021 Patch] Watch Before Starting
#0.0 How to Take this Course (07:34)
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#1 Introduction
#1.0 🚨 Read this First 🚨
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#1.1 Requirements (01:52)
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#1.2 What are we building (07:25)
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#1.3 What are we using (02:13)
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#2 Backend: Typescript/NodeJS/GraphQL
#2.0 Project Setup- Git & Installation (02:36)
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#2.1 Project Setup Typescript and NodeJS (02:36)
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#2.2 A word on @types (08:27)
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#2.3 GraphQL Yoga and Express part One (08:27)
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#2.4 GraphQL Yoga and Express part Two (05:55)
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#2.5 API and Schema Structue part One (06:29)
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#2.6 API and Schema Structue part Two (07:13)
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#2.7 Graphql To Typescript (07:13)
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#2.8 Typechecking Graphql Arguments (04:26)
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#2.9 Configuring TypeORM (09:30)
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#2.10 Creating a Virtual Environment on NodeJS (05:25)
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#2.11 User Entity GraphQL Type (07:30)
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#2.12 User Entity part One (09:44)
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#2.13 User Entity part Two (07:12)
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#2.14 Hashing and Encrypting User Passwords (07:12)
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#2.15 Verifying User Password (03:51)
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#2.16 Verification Entity part One (07:16)
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#2.17 Using Types on the Entities (04:18)
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#2.18 Creating the Verification Key (07:02)
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#2.19 Place Entity (04:50)
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#2.20 Ride Entity (06:45)
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#2.21 Chat and Message Entities part One (08:26)
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#2.22 Chat and Message Entities part Two (05:25)
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#2.23 Model Relationships like a Boss (06:39)
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#2.24 Resolver Types (03:22)
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#2.25 Planning the Resolvers part One (07:39)
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#2.26 Planning the Resolvers part Two (06:09)
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#2.27 FacebookConnect Resolver part One (04:13)
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#2.28 FacebookConnect Resolver part Two (08:23)
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#2.29 FacebookConnect Resolver part Three (05:43)
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#2.30 Testing the FacebookConnect Resolver (05:46)
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#2.31 EmailSignIn Resolver part One (06:03)
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#2.32 EmailSignIn Resolver part Two (02:52)
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#2.33 Introduction to Twilio (03:09)
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#2.34 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part One (08:48)
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#2.35 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part Two (07:19)
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#2.36 StartPhoneVerification Resolver part Three (Sending SMS) (05:20)
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#2.37 CompletePhoneVerification part One (03:43)
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#2.38 CompletePhoneVerification part Two (07:48)
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#2.39 EmailSignUp Resolver (08:05)
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#2.40 Creating Custom JWT (05:18)
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#2.41 Authenticating Users with Custom JWT (04:28)
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#2.42 Testing Authentication Resolvers (05:12)
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#2.43 Custom Auth Middleware on Express part One (03:37)
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#2.44 Custom Auth Middleware on Express part Two (09:02)
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#2.45 Using Resolver Context for Authentication (07:29)
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#2.46 GetMyProfile Resolver (06:02)
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#2.47 Protecting Resolvers with Middlewares (12:36)
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#2.48 Sending Confirmation Email part One (05:01)
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#2.49 Sending Confirmation Email part Two (07:49)
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#2.50 Sending Confirmation Email part Three (03:49)
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#2.51 Testing Email Sending (03:19)
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#2.52 RequestEmailVerification Resolver (06:55)
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#2.53 CompleteEmailVerification Resolver (06:02)
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#2.54 Testing Email Verification Resolvers (02:25)
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#2.55 UpdateMyProfile Resolver part One (02:25)
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#2.56 #2.56.1 UpdateMyProfile Resolver Bug Fixing (03:35)
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#2.56 UpdateMyProfile Resolver part Two (06:46)
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#2.57 ToggleDrivingMode Resolver (05:12)
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#2.58 ReportMovement Resolver (05:12)
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#2.59 AddPlace Resolver (06:23)
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#2.60 EditPlace Resolver (09:00)
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#2.61 DeletePlace Resolver (05:01)
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#2.62 GetMyPlaces Resolver and Testing (07:17)
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#2.63 GetNearbyDrivers Resolver part One (07:31)
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#2.64 GetNearbyDrivers Resolver part Two (04:37)
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#2.65 DriversSubscription part One (09:44)
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#2.66 DriversSubscription part Two (06:04)
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#2.67 Authenticating WebSocket Subscriptions part One (08:37)
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#2.68 Authenticating WebSocket Subscriptions part Two (05:22)
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#2.69 Filtering Subscription Messages (10:52)
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#2.70 Filtering Subscription Messages part Two (10:21)
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#2.71 RequestRide Resolver (06:25)
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#2.72 GetNearbyRides Resolver (07:01)
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#2.73 NearbyRideSubscription (08:27)
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#2.74 Testing the NearbyRideSubscription (03:41)
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#2.75 UpdateRideStatus Resolver part One (08:07)
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#2.76 UpdateRideStatus Resolver part Two (07:10)
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#2.77 GetRide Resolver (11:17)
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#2.78 RideStatusSubscription (06:11)
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#2.79 Testing the RideStatusSubscription (04:06)
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#2.80 Creating a ChatRoom (05:06)
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#2.81 GetChat Resolver (09:54)
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#2.82 BugFixing (09:51)
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#2.83 Testing GetChat Resolver (04:40)
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#2.84 SendChatMessage Resolver (08:03)
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#2.85 MessageSubscription (07:29)
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#2.86 Backend Conclusions (01:09)
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#3 Front End: ReactJS, Apollo
#3.0 Create React App with Typescript (06:01)
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#3.1 Apollo Setup part One (05:03)
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#3.2 Apollo Setup part Two (03:34)
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#3.3 Apollo Setup part Three (06:50)
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#3.4 Apollo Setup Recap (04:02)
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#3.5 Connecting Local State to Components (07:07)
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#3.6 Typescript and React Components (05:08)
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#3.7 Typescript and Styled Components part One (03:59)
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#3.8 Typescript and Styled Components part Two (04:03)
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#3.9 Global Styles Set Up (04:58)
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#3.10 Planning the Routes (06:45)
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#3.11 Router and Routes (09:24)
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#3.12 OutHome Component (06:51)
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#3.13 Login Component and React Helmet (04:39)
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#3.14 Route Components Review (06:17)
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#3.15 Inputs and Typescript part One (09:18)
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#3.16 Inputs and Typescript part Two (11:37)
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#3.17 Notifications with React Toastify (07:25)
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#3.18 PhoneLogin Mutation part One (12:25)
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#3.19 Magic with Apollo Codegen (08:59)
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#3.20 PhoneLogin Mutation part Two (07:22)
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#3.21 PhoneLogin Mutation part Three (06:50)
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#3.22 VerifyPhone Screen (09:43)
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#3.23 Testing the PhoneLogin Screen and Redirecting (03:44)
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#3.24 VerifyPhone Mutation part One (12:36)
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#3.25 VerifyPhone Mutation part Two (09:40)
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#3.26 Updating Local State (14:46)
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#3.27 SocialLogin with Apollo part One (10:38)
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#3.28 SocialLogin with Apollo part Two (07:09)
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#3.29 SocialLogin with Apollo part Three (11:01)
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#3.30 SocialLogin with Apollo part Four (05:10)
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#3.31 Home Sidebar Component (07:17)
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#3.32 Home Sidebar Query (11:01)
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#3.33 Home Sidebar Query part Two (11:37)
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#3.34 Updating Driver Mode part One (09:28)
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#3.35 Updating Driver Mode part Two (09:05)
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#3.36 EditProfile Screen part One (09:12)
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#3.37 EditProfile Screen part Two (09:45)
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#3.38 EditProfile Screen part Three (04:44)
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#3.39 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary (1) (09:01)
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#3.40 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary (2) (08:48)
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#3.41 Settings Screen part One (11:24)
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#3.41 Uploading Profile Photo to Cloudinary (3) (03:08)
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#3.42 Settings Screen part Two (08:22)
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#3.43 Places + AddPlace Components (06:24)
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#3.44 AddPlace Mutation (11:32)
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#3.45 Edit Place Mutation (07:09)
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#3.46 Google Maps and React part One (14:35)
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#3.47 Google Maps and Geolocation (10:46)
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#3.48 Google Map Events (05:57)
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#3.49 Reverse Geocoding part One (08:33)
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#3.50 Reverse Geocoding part Two (05:27)
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#3.51 Geocoding part One (07:10)
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#3.52 Geocoding part Two (09:03)
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#3.53 Refactoring AddPlace (07:34)
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#3.54 HomeScreen User Marker (09:18)
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#3.55 HomeScreen Moving with the User (06:59)
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#3.56 HomeScreen Creating Route Markers (07:07)
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#3.57 HomeScreen Getting Directions part One (09:06)
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#3.58 HomeScreen Getting Directions part Two (11:25)
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#3.59 Calculating the Price (12:55)
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#3.60 Report Location with HOC (12:36)
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#3.61 NearbyDrivers Query (09:51)
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#3.62 NearbyDrivers Query part Two (11:14)
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#3.63 Drawing Nearby Drivers part One (13:31)
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#3.64 Drawing Nearby Drivers part Two (05:48)
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#3.65 Drawing Nearby Drivers part Three (08:05)
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#3.66 Ejecting from Apollo Boost (07:21)
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#3.67 RequestRide Mutation (14:06)
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#3.68 Getting Nearby Rides part One (14:54)
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#3.69 Getting Nearby Rides part Two (15:56)
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#3.70 Apollo Subscriptions part One (06:56)
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#3.71 Apollo Subscriptions part Two (09:58)
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#3.72 Ride Screen part One (12:02)
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#3.73 Get Ride Query part One (06:15)
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#3.74 Get Ride Query part Two (14:40)
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#3.75 Ride Status Subscription (07:50)
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#3.76 Ride Status Subscription part Two (05:05)
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#3.77 Chat Screen Query (11:30)
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#3.78 Chat Screen Mutation (13:19)
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#3.79 Chat Screen Subscription (10:23)
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#3.80 Chat Screen Subscription part Two (03:33)
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#3.81 Frontend Conclusions (04:03)
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#4 Deploy To Heroku
#4.0 Introduction (02:34)
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#4.1 Building for production part One (09:30)
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#4.2 Heroku (10:16)
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#4.3 Heroku and Databases (08:16)
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#4.4 Finishing Up (03:44)
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#5 2021 Patch
#5.0 Patch Introduction (04:03)
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#5.1 Local State on Apollo 3
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#5.2 Http Link, WS Link, Auth Link
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#5.3 Class to Hooks
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#5.4 Apollo Codegen
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#5.5 Conclusions
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