Reviews 🔥
Reviews 🔥
ES6의 정석
ES6, ES7, ES8
#0 Introduction
#0.1 🚨 Read this First 🚨
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#0.2 Introduction (01:53)
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#0.3 ES6, ES7, ES8, ES99? (01:18)
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#1 Variables
#1.0 Let and Const (04:40)
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#1.1 Dead Zone (03:15)
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#1.2 Block Scope (04:42)
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#1.3 The future of 'var' (02:06)
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#2 Functions
#2.0 Arrow Functions (08:13)
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#2.1 'this' in Arrow Functions (07:01)
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#2.2 Arrow Functions in the Real World (12:35)
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#2.3 Default Values (03:11)
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#3 Strings
#3.0 Sexy Strings (05:15)
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#3.1 HTML Fragments (06:11)
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#3.2 HTML Fragments part Two (04:02)
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#3.3 Cloning Styled Components (07:05)
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#3.4 More String Improvements! (04:16)
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#4 Array
#4.0 Array.from() and Array.of() (06:01)
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#4.1 Array.find() Array.findIndex() Array.fill() (10:48)
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#5 Destructuring
#5.0 Object Destructuring (09:19)
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#5.1 Array Destructuring (04:42)
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#5.2 Renaming (03:47)
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#5.3 Function Destructuring (04:27)
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#5.4 Value Shorthands (02:07)
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#5.5 Swapping and Skipping (03:23)
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#6 Rest and Spread
#6.0 Introduction to Spread (04:01)
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#6.1 Spread Applications (08:25)
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#6.2 Intro to Rest Parameters (05:36)
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#6.3 Rest + Spread + Destructure Magic (07:11)
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#7 For Of Loop
#7.0 For ... of (10:19)
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#8 Promises
#8.0 Introduction to Async (04:54)
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#8.1 Creating Promises (06:37)
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#8.2 Using Promises (06:45)
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#8.3 Chaining Promises (07:37)
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#8.4 Promise.all (06:28)
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#8.5 Promise.race (03:16)
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#8.6 .finally (03:20)
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#8.7 Real world Promises (06:20)
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#9 Async / Await
#9.0 Async Await (06:15)
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#9.1 try catch finally (06:11)
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#9.2 Parallel Async Await (06:27)
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#10 Classes
#10.0 Introduction to Classes (09:42)
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#10.1 Extending Classes (10:39)
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#10.2 super (14:35)
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#10.3 WTF is this (10:07)
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#11 Symbol, Set and Map
#11.0 Introduction (01:00)
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#11.1 Symbols (07:44)
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#11.2 Sets (06:03)
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#11.3 WeakSet (07:50)
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#11.4 Map and Weakmap (03:24)
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#12 Generators and Maps
#12.0 Generators (07:13)
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#12.1 Proxies (14:02)
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#12.2 Should you learn proxies or generators? (03:03)
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#12.3 Conclusions (04:13)
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#13 [🔥2020 Update] ES2020
#13.0 ES2020 Introduction (01:56)
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#13.1 New ?? Operator (05:37)
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#13.2 Optional Chaining (06:14)
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#13.3 padStart and padEnd (07:54)
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#13.4 trim, trimStart, trimEnd (02:59)
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#13.5 Object entries, Object values,Object fromEntries (05:39)
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#13.6 Array flat (04:43)
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#13.7 Array sort (07:59)
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#13.8 Promise allSettled (05:29)
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#14 [🔥2022 Update] ES2021 & ES2022
#14.0 2022 Update Introduction (01:20)
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#14.1 Logical OR Assignment (05:22)
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#14.2 Logical AND Assignment (04:31)
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#14.3 Logical NULLISH Assignment (05:02)
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#14.4 Numeric Separators (01:26)
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#14.5 Promise any (06:15)
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#14.6 replaceAll (02:13)
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#14.7 at() (03:05)
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#14.8 Object hasOwn (02:34)
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#14.9 Error cause (03:59)
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#14.10 Class Field Declarations (01:59)
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#14.11 Private Methods and Fields (05:35)
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#14.12 Static Fields and Methods (03:20)
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#14.13 See you later! (00:54)
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