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[풀스택] 인스타그램 클론코딩
인스타그램 백엔드 + 프런트엔드 + 앱 + 서버
#1 Thank You
#1.0 🚨 Read this First 🚨
미리 보기 →
#1.1 Thank You!
수강하기 →
#2 Introduction
#2.0 Welcome! (02:02)
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#2.1 Requirements (02:12)
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#3 Backend Setup
#3.0 Setup (05:00)
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#3.1 Apollo Server (06:44)
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#3.2 Babel (08:24)
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#3.3 POC API (09:28)
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#3.4 Prisma Setup (09:24)
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#3.5 Prisma Migrate (11:41)
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#3.6 Prisma Client (11:17)
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#3.7 Prisma Client part Two (07:13)
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#3.8 Prisma Studio (03:33)
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#3.9 Architecture part One (08:52)
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#3.10 Architecture part Two (08:51)
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#3.11 Dotenv (04:22)
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#3.12 Recap (08:20)
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#4 User Module
#4.0 Create Account part One (10:26)
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#4.1 Create Account part Two (10:51)
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#4.2 Create Account part Three (12:56)
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#4.3 seeProfile (07:37)
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#4.4 login (11:02)
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#4.5 login part Two and Refactor (12:28)
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#4.6 Divide and Conquer (06:37)
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#4.7 updateProfile (11:36)
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#4.8 authentication part One (07:44)
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#4.9 authentication part Two (09:38)
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#4.10 authentication part Three (10:29)
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#4.11 Protecting Resolvers part One (06:19)
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#4.12 Protecting Resolvers part Two (12:50)
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#4.13 Recap (09:58)
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#4.14 File Upload part One (08:33)
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#4.15 File Upload part Two (09:17)
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#4.16 File Upload part Three (07:22)
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#4.17 File Upload part Four (09:07)
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#4.18 Ejecting from Apollo Server (06:27)
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#4.19 Changing Avatar (11:35)
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#4.20 Followers part One (07:59)
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#4.21 Following User (08:30)
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#4.22 Unfollow User and See Followers (13:52)
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#4.23 Followers Pagination part One (12:14)
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#4.24 Followers Pagination part Two (06:02)
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#4.25 Following Pagination (11:56)
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#4.26 Computed Fields part One (12:50)
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#4.27 Computed Fields part Two (10:15)
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#4.28 Computed Fields part Three (06:39)
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#4.29 Searching Users (07:18)
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#5 TS Setup
#5.0 TS Setup part One (07:58)
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#5.1 TS Setup part Two (09:07)
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#6 Photos Module
#6.0 Photos Model (07:58)
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#6.1 Prisma Fields vs SQL Fields (03:19)
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#6.2 Upload Photo part One (11:55)
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#6.3 Upload Photo part Two (09:11)
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#6.4 Upload Photo part Three (09:03)
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#6.5 seePhoto (07:40)
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#6.6 seeHashtag (14:39)
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#6.7 editPhoto part One (11:09)
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#6.8 editPhoto part Two (10:11)
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#6.9 Like Unlike Photos (11:12)
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#6.10 Like Unlike Photos part Two (07:09)
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#6.11 seeLikes (06:25)
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#6.12 seeFeed (06:56)
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#6.13 Comment on Photos (11:56)
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#6.14 See Photo Comments (07:55)
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#6.15 isMine (04:31)
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#6.16 Delete Comment and Photos (08:13)
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#6.17 editComment (08:04)
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#6.18 protectedResolver Refactor (07:47)
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#6.19 S3 Photo Upload (09:25)
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#6.20 S3 Photo Upload part Two (10:34)
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#6.21 S3 Photo Upload part Three (05:38)
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#7 Direct Messages
#7.0 Introduction (03:50)
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#7.1 Models (04:41)
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#7.2 seeRooms (06:26)
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#7.3 sendMessage (12:50)
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#7.4 seeRoom (09:38)
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#7.5 readMessage (11:23)
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#7.6 Super Test (06:39)
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#7.7 Subscriptions Setup part One (10:30)
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#7.8 Subscriptions Setup part Two (12:31)
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#7.9 Filtering Subscriptions part One (06:53)
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#7.10 Filtering Subscriptions part Two (06:09)
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#7.11 Authenticating Subscriptions (15:51)
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#7.12 Recap (08:29)
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#8 [🔥2022 Update] React Router v6
#8.0 Update Introduction (02:54)
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#8.1 BrowserRouter (06:33)
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#8.2 createBrowserRouter (08:12)
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#8.3 errorElement (04:32)
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#8.4 useNavigate (02:12)
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#8.5 useParams (07:19)
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#8.6 Outlet (05:44)
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#8.7 useOutletContext (06:18)
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#8.8 Extras (08:02)
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#9 Frontend Setup
#9.0 Create React App (05:04)
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#9.1 Installing All (06:08)
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#9.2 What Does Setup Mean? (02:48)
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#9.3 Router Setup part One (10:29)
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#9.4 Router Setup part Two (10:22)
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#9.5 Auth POC (06:33)
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#9.6 Reactive Variables (08:50)
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#9.7 Introduction to Styled Components (12:17)
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#9.8 Themes on Styled Components (07:33)
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#9.9 GlobalStyles on Styled Components (06:23)
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#10 Frontend TS Setup
#10.0 Styled Components (08:27)
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#10.1 React Hook Form (04:42)
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#10.2 GraphQL (12:46)
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#11 Login and Signup
#11.0 Introduction (02:47)
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#11.1 Login UI Clone (18:40)
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#11.2 Cleaning Login Code (13:50)
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#11.3 Shared Components (19:01)
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#11.4 Sign Up UI (08:29)
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#11.5 Forms in React (07:36)
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#11.6 Helmet Component (04:10)
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#11.7 React Hook Form (12:13)
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#11.8 React Hook Form is Awesome (14:32)
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#11.9 Apollo Client (04:28)
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#11.10 Login part One (09:26)
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#11.11 Login part Two (10:49)
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#11.12 Create Account (14:23)
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#11.13 Redirecting Users (08:01)
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#11.14 Dark Mode (08:24)
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#12 Feed
#12.0 Header and Layout (08:11)
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#12.1 Header part Two (10:24)
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#12.2 Header part Three (12:16)
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#12.3 Avatar (08:34)
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#12.4 Photo Component part One (10:32)
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#12.5 Photo Component part Two (11:59)
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#12.6 isLiked (07:05)
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#12.7 Liking Photos (10:50)
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#12.8 Refetching Queries (06:52)
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#12.9 writeFragment (07:40)
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#12.10 readFragment (08:03)
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#12.11 Comments part One (11:31)
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#12.12 Comments part Two (10:30)
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#12.13 Parsing Hashtags (12:02)
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#12.14 Parsing Hashtags part Two (12:18)
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#12.15 cache Modify (05:10)
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#12.16 Create Comment part One (06:44)
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#12.17 Create Comment part Two (12:22)
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#12.18 Create Comment part Three (07:59)
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#12.19 Delete Comment (12:17)
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#13 Profile
#13.0 useParams (08:40)
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#13.1 Queries and Fragments (11:26)
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#13.2 keyFields (08:42)
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#13.3 Follow Unfollow part One (04:49)
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#13.4 Follow Unfollow part Two (12:33)
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#13.5 Follow Unfollow part Three (08:56)
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#13.6 Follow Unfollow part Four (09:49)
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#13.7 Follow Unfollow part Five (04:39)
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#13.8 Web Conclusions (02:42)
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#14 React Native Setup
#14.0 Introduction (02:23)
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#14.1 Why Expo is Awesome (12:45)
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#14.2 Why Expo Sucks (08:37)
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#14.3 Our Plan (09:54)
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#14.4 Creating Our Project (08:29)
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#14.5 Working with the Simulator (04:01)
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#14.6 AppLoading (10:06)
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#14.7 AppLoading part Two (05:36)
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#15 Authentication
#15.0 Your First Navigation (06:39)
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#15.1 Moving Through Screens (09:06)
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#15.2 Navigator Props (11:43)
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#15.3 Dark Mode (07:19)
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#15.4 Welcome Screen (10:05)
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#15.5 Create Account part One (10:44)
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#15.6 Create Account part Two (13:39)
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#15.7 Natural Forms part One (08:22)
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#15.8 Natural Forms part Two (09:29)
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#15.9 Login Screen (10:44)
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#15.10 React Hooks Forms on Native (14:33)
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#15.11 Apollo Client (12:04)
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#15.12 Log In Mutation (13:52)
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#15.13 Create Account Mutation (10:19)
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#15.14 AsyncStorage part One (07:00)
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#15.15 AsyncStorage part Two (07:04)
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#15.16 Recap (05:04)
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#16 Feed
#16.0 Tab Navigator (12:58)
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#16.1 Tab Navigator part Two (06:55)
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#16.2 Stack and Tabs (14:04)
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#16.3 Stack and Tabs part Two (07:04)
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#16.4 Apollo Auth (10:17)
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#16.5 FlatList (13:24)
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#16.6 Photo part One (12:48)
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#16.7 Photo part Two (11:50)
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#16.8 Photo part Three (09:26)
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#16.9 Pull to Refresh (07:01)
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#16.10 Infinite Scrolling part One (08:52)
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#16.11 Infinite Scrolling part One (09:37)
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#16.12 Cache Persist (11:34)
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#16.13 Conclusions (02:37)
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#17 Likes, Search and Photo
#17.0 Likes part One (16:17)
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#17.1 Likes part Two (11:40)
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#17.2 Header Domination (07:16)
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#17.3 Search part One (10:21)
수강하기 →
#17.4 Search part Two (06:50)
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#17.5 Search part Three (12:25)
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#17.6 Search part Four (09:00)
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#17.7 Photo Screen (13:29)
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#18 Upload Photo
#18.0 Modal Navigator (10:40)
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#18.1 Bottom Tabs Navigator (09:14)
수강하기 →
#18.2 Select Photo part One (06:57)
수강하기 →
#18.3 Select Photo part Two (12:05)
수강하기 →
#18.4 Select Photo part Three (10:21)
수강하기 →
#18.5 Select Photo part Four (06:30)
수강하기 →
#18.6 Take Photo part One (13:05)
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#18.7 Take Photo part Two (12:09)
수강하기 →
#18.8 Take Photo part Three (08:28)
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#18.9 Take Photo part Four (07:06)
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#18.10 Take Photo part Five (12:14)
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#18.11 Take Photo part Six (06:56)
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#18.12 Upload Screen part One (12:01)
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#18.13 Upload Screen part Two (12:06)
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#18.14 Upload Screen part Three (13:47)
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#18.15 Upload Screen part Four (10:42)
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#18.16 Conclusions (01:21)
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#19 Direct Messages
#19.0 Messages Navigator (10:33)
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#19.1 Rooms Screen part One (11:51)
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#19.2 Rooms Screen part Two (11:49)
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#19.3 Room Screen part One (11:54)
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#19.4 Room Screen part Two (09:20)
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#19.5 Room Screen part Three (09:09)
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#19.6 Room Screen part Four (14:30)
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#19.7 Room Screen part Five (07:17)
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#19.8 Room Screen part Six (09:29)
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#19.9 Subscriptions part One (07:36)
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#19.10 Subscriptions part Two (08:57)
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#19.11 Subscriptions part Three (08:25)
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#19.12 Subscriptions part Four (10:03)
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#19.13 Conclusions (03:54)
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#20 Deployment
#20.0 Building the Server (09:34)
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#20.1 Deploy to Heroku part One (07:04)
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#20.2 Deploy to Heroku part Two (06:54)
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#20.3 Configuring Databases (12:05)
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#20.4 Migrating (08:15)
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#20.5 Deploy Frontend (09:28)
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#20.6 Building the App (12:15)
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#20.7 Building Conclusions (04:54)
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#21 Eject and React Native CLI
#21.0 Ejecting from Expo (13:33)
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#21.1 Ejecting from Expo part Two (11:37)
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#21.2 Ejecting Conclusions (08:39)
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#21.3 React Native CLI (11:36)
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#21.4 Conclusions (01:31)
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