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에어비앤비 Django 챌린지 2기 졸업작품 및 후기 입니다.
by lynn
3년 전

✔️ 기간: 2020년 11월 9일 ~ 12월 7일

✔️ 총 신청자: 169명

✔️ 최종 졸업생: 15명

✔️ 우수 졸업생 완성작




✔️ 후기

디자인을 정말 못한다고 생각하게 되었습니다. 또 css에 대한 이해도가 부족해서 그런지 tailwindcss로 작업해도 원하는 모양대로 되지 않아서 힘들었습니다. 그리고 aws에 올리는것도 영상을 찍었던 때와 설정들이 조금씩 달라져서 힘들었어요. 이건 서로서로가 댓글로 변경된 내용들 올려주어야 할 것 같아요. 챌린지 진행하시느라 너무 수고 많으셨습니다!

좋은 강의&챌린지 감사합니다! 챌린지 후반에 앞 내용들을 복습할 수 있는 과제가 있어서 좋았습니다.(review기능 추가 과제를 하려면 그 전 과제(view, css, template등등)를 복습해야함) 장고처럼 내용이 방대한 챌린지에는 후반에 복습과제가 있는게 내용 이해하는데 많은 도움이 되었습니다!좋은 연말 보내세요~

First, this Airbnb clone coding lecture itself is great organized and even if students are new to Django, they can learn what functions it has and what we can build through it by following the lecture step by step. This lecture is really good to learn practical skills and after finishing this challenge, I have confidence that I can make the application what I want via Django (it will take a long time though).

Second, you are such a good teacher and your teaching style really takes into account exactly what the beginner doesn't know. As I listened to the lecture, I could feel how much you had prepared to make this. You might have thought a lot to teach the contents easier. And I so appreciate your kind explanation.

Third, the content not only on how to use Django but also the tips about vscode and other tools for development was really helpful. These practical tips are quite hard to get if I'm not working on the development part, so your tips are so great to know how developers work.

After this challenge, I really learned a lot thanks to you. I think I might see you again on the next airbnb clone coding challenge🤣 but next time, I will learn more and can show better performance. Thanks for all your lectures and challenge homework!! Merry Christmas!

**** 더 많은 후기 와 졸업작품 보기